The Glories Of Srivasa Pandita
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Vamsi dasa Babaji was always in a mood of intimacy with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You, on the other hand, are always engaged in maintaining your life. Sometimes business is very good, and you think, "Oh, this is very good." And sometimes it is down and you think, "What to do? What to do? What to do?" You forget to chant and you forget to worship.
The Appearance Day of Srivasa Pandita
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In this world, it is essential to maintain our life. Without this, we can't do our bhajana. But don't be worried about this. Your maintenance will come automatically, according to our previous activities. If something comes, that is okay, and if something that you have collected is lost, still you should not worry. Suppose you have deposited many thousands of dollars in a bank, but somehow your business failed and your money was lost. Don't worry about that. You cannot achieve krsna-prema, or anything else, by money. You cannot eat your bank money. You can only eat two capatis or two slices of bread – nothing more. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura quotes in his Bhajana Rahasya...
The Glories of Radha-Kunda
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We are now in the most sacred place of Sri Vraja-mandala — Sri Radha-kunda. Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda are within the area of Giriraja Govardhana. We are now in Sri Kunjabihari Gaudiya Matha, which was established by nitya-lila pravista om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura Prabhupada. He established temples all over India. Srila Prabhupada came with all his associates to Radha-kunda and did the entire Vraja-mandala parikrama on foot...
The Pinnacle of Blessings
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How is Krsna pleased? If we sing Krsna’s glories, He will be pleased. But there are many stages of glorifying Him. If anyone prays, “You held the earth in your Matsya Avatara; You killed Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu as Varaha and Nrsimha. You killed twenty-one generations of ksatriyas as Parasurama. You killed Ravana as Ramacandra,” then this is also a form of Krsna’s glorification.” But Krsna will become more happy...
How To Practice Raganuga-Bhakti
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The conception in this world of being female or male is false. Why? The jiva has emanated from the tatastha region, the marginal line between the spiritual and material energies. He came out from the glance of Karanadakasayi Visnu. Even at that time, even though the jiva was not doing any seva, according to his constitutional nature he was Krsna-dasa...
Speciality of Gaudiyas’ Mood
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This is the specialty of Gaudiya Vaisnavas, which is not there in any other sampradayas. The feeling of bosom relationship of this world [laukika sat-bandhu]. Like, Krsna is my beloved. Krsna is my friend. Krsna is my son. This worldly mood will exist. However it is not worldly. It is transcendental. Krsna is also transcendental. The devotee is also transcendental. But towards Krsna, one will possess a mood like an intimate relationship of this world. Otherwise vraja-prema cannot become realised.
What To Do After Parikrama
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Someone may think that he has no taste or interest in chanting or meditating. He may be considering, “Money is not coming by chanting.” But money cannot give happiness or transcendental feelings. The holy name, on the other hand, will give everything. It will stop the endless pain of birth and death forever, and you will be happy forever, engaged in the service of Sri Krsna in Vrndavana...
What You Cannot Even Imagine
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One second for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was like hundreds of thousands of millenniums in separation from Krsna. In His meeting, millions of millenniums seemed to be like a moment. This mood is also seen in the life of Srimati Radhika...
A Navadvipa Darsana
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In Sriman-Mahaprabhor-asta-kaliya-lila-smarana-mangala-stotram and Sri Krsna-bhavanamrta, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has connected the sweet pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with Krsna's asta-kaliya-lila. First Mahaprabhu is meditated upon, and then Krsna....
Gaura Purnima Katha
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After the completion of Lord Sri Krsna's pastimes in Vrndavana and Dvaraka in Dvarapa-Yuga, He was thinking very deeply. He considered, "I went to the material world and tasted the moods and relationships of dasya (servitude), sakhya (friendship), vatsalya (parental affection) and madhurya-rasa (conjugal love). Although I did so, however, I was not completely satisfied...
The Island of Separation
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Today, we went to two islands – Jahnudvipa and Modrumadvipa. In Jahnudvipa, under my guidance you heard about the relationship between the Yamuna and the Ganga Rivers, just as I had spoken about it in previous years. In Modrumadvipa you heard about the separation pastimes of Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Lord Ramacandra...
Appearance Day of Srinivas Acarya and Srila Madhavendra Puri
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Madhavendra Puripada is the root, or first sprout, of prema-bhakti, the prema kalpataru (the desire tree of love of God). The Deity of Srinathaji (Krsna, the lifter of Govardhana) manifested to him and gave him constant darsana. Prahlada Maharaja and Nrsimhadeva had association for only a moment, and Bhagavan often gave His association to Bali Maharaja in the planet Sutala, but Madhavendra Puri is a special maidservant of Srimati Radhika...
Meeting and Separation in The Pastimes of Lord Ramacandra
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In Treta Yuga, Lord Ramacandra, Sita devi, and Laksmana went to Mamagachi. Under the shade of a large banyan tree, Sita Devi observed that Lord Rama was smiling mildly.
She inquired, “O Lord, what is the cause of your amusement?”
A Gokula - Antardvipa Parikrama
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What is the meaning of Vraja? Vraj is the root word of vrajati which means "to go", "to move" or "to wander". The residents of this place were always moving. At first they were staying in the area of the Vrndavana forest, but because of disturbances by demons they left Vrndavana forest and came here to Gokula, Mahavana...
The Special Glories of Sri Navadvipa Dhama
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In Navadvipa-dhama, Mahaprabhu is similarly of three types. He came in the mood of Radhika. Always thinking that He is Radhika He forgot that He is Krsna. He then went to Puri and manifested His Radha's separation moods there. Sometimes He would be locked inside the Gambhira, chanting harinama. Hearing the sound of Krsna's flute, He would then somehow go through the seven locked iron gates. He would run to the ocean as if He were a fish. He would float in the waves for the entire night, and sometimes the ocean would carry Him far away. His body would become 7 arms long...
Lessons in Modrumadvipa
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One should be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, and should give respect to all others. So why is it that Sri Vrndavana dasa Thakura has said, “If anyone will criticize or minimize Sri Nityananda Prabhu, I will take a stick and beat him on the head.” Is this the mood of trnad api sunicena?
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