You know that everyone wants to be happy - all living entities. But Krishna has arranged that no one in this world will ever be happy. They cannot be happy. You should realize that in this world there is no happiness - no tranquility. Even if a man has wealth, and has all means to be happy, still, some dangerous sickness, some problem, some roga, disease, will come. It may be that in one's young age a person may not be weak; but then old age comes...
If you want to make advancement, then make friendship with a devotee who is superior to you in bhakti, who has love and affection for you, and who is svajatiya, like-minded. 'Like-minded' refers to one who is like-minded for paramartha (transcendental life) - not for worldly things. He should be an ocean of the type of prema for which you aspire. By hearing from him, you develop increased steadiness in bhakti, and you also develop all the stages beyond that...
There was a beautiful girl in East Bengal named Saci devi, and she was the daughter of the King of Putiya. From the beginning of her life she heard about Lord Krsna, and from that time onward she gave her entire heart to Him. From the time she was about five years old, she used to worship Krsna, sing to Krsna, play with Krsna, and do everything with Him. When she was about sixteen years old she became maddened for Him...
There are many lines on the earth, like the Equator, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. In the Sanskrit language these lines are called rekhas. In Vedic Astronomy these rekhas are called Bhumadhya-rekha, Karka-rekha, and Makhara-rekha. In its travels, the Sun is always somewhere between these lines. The day on which it comes nearest...
by Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Vamana Gosvami Maharaja
Our faults and misfortune are the results of our forgetting Bhagavan and we will never be fortunate enough to remember Him as long as we are forgetful of sri guru and the Vaisnavas. Therefore, when we perform bhajana, it is imperative that we first remember sri guru and the Vaisnavas. First we must pray for their mercy; only then can we pray for service to Bhagavan Sri Hari. The scriptures describe this to be the one and only process for remembering Him....
by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Māhārāja
❝By the mercy of this mahāpuruṣa [Śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī Mahārāja], in the time spanning the past twenty-six years, Kali has not yet been able to exert any influence over me. I offer my śraddhā-puṣpāñjali unto the lotus feet of this mahāpuruṣa.❞ ...
Any bogus guru who is himself falling down, fallen, how he can give me this knowledge? The sons of Sukracarya, Sanda and Amarka, they are bogus gurus. They are not qualified and bona fide guru. They are all engaged in sense gratification. These bogus gurus have no idea of real happiness and any good conception for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So these gurus should be given up at once, in a moment. They are like blind persons...
It is my honor on behalf of the conference to invite you to attend the Sri Rupa Goswami Conference on Vaishnavism. An international assembly of distinguished scholars will be speaking and we welcome your participation. While we don’t expect a large crowd to the English morning sessions, we do promise a comfortable assembly of like-minded scholars and attentive listeners...
We are all very supremely fortunate to have come here to Purusottama-ksetra Jagannatha Puri-dhama, and stay so close to Purusottama-deva Sri Jagannatha Himself. We are especially fortunate to be here in this month called Purusottama-masa and to perform Purusottama-vrata (the auspicious vows taken on this month). We are even more fortunate to have the shelter of this particular place...
To fulfill the wish of our beloved guide and well-wisher nitya-lila om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayaṇa Gosvami Maharaja, we cordially invite you to Sri Vrndavana Dhama for Sri Vraja-mandala Parikrama this Kartika, 2023!
The glories of adhimasa (extra month) are mentioned in the thirty-first chapter of the Naradiya Purana. Adhimasa considered the sovereignty of the twelve months and saw that he was being slighted. He went to Vaikuntha and related his dilemma to Sri Narayana. Out of compassion, Vaikuntha-pati took Adhimasa with Him and appeared before Sri Krsna in Goloka...
The last fifteen days of Sri Purusottama-vrata (vrata means “vow”) were observed in Sri Purusottama-dhama, Sri Jagannatha Puri. During these days, more than six hundred devotees assembled from different parts of India and from all over the world, despite worldwide terrorism problems. They were blessed with the fortune to hear profuse hari-katha, and to perform parikrama of Sri Jagannatha Puri and neighboring areas under the guidance of Srila Gurudeva, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja...
Please join us August 11th - 16th, 2023, for Sri Ksetra Mandala Parikrama, Puri, India.
Register now!
Try to advance. Don’t waste your time criticizing or trying to control everything around you. Gurudeva can control. He is a controller. Sri Krsna, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Sri Nityananda Prabhu are controllers. It is best to think in this way: “I am not the controller. Rather, I should be controlled by Them. I should try to control myself...
Simply following this verse will suffice. Nistha means niscalata, unwavering; not being like a pendulum but rather being steady or one-pointed. One should be steady in determination, thinking, "I will do bhagavad-bhajana (krsna-bhajana)." An example of nistha in bhajana is Srila Haridasa Thakura who vowed, "I may be cut into thousands of pieces, but I will not give up bhajana ..."
You should hear all these subject matters and be very strong devotees. Don't be weak. I see that after the departure of Parama-pujyapada Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja most of his disciples became bewildered and very weak. Most of the brahmacaris became householders. If Srila Swami Maharaja had still been in this world, I think that most of the brahmacaris would never have become householders. To be a householder is not bad if one is like Yudhisthira Maharaja...
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