Srimati Radharani Blames Krsna
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Srimati Radhika is the crest-jewel of Krsna's beloveds, and She is now speaking citra-jalpa. Within citra-jalpa, She is speaking kataksa, sarcasm, as She criticizes the ladies of Mathura. Sent by Krsna to Vrndavana from Mathura, Uddhava witnesses Her madness in separation, and, kneeling at a distance, he thinks...
Krsna Reciprocates
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Of all types of separation, which is the most painful? It is the separation from Vaisnavas. We know that the jiva has no birth or death, but we can feel separation for the Vaisnava. Who will feel separation? Only the person who has mamata, a sense of "mine-ness" towards that Vrndavana, or one who can understand the greatness of that Vaisnava...
Separation Is Such A Thing
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Sri Uddhava related to Narada Muni how he went to Vrndavana and saw how, in separation from Lord Krsna, the Vrajavasis meet with Him internally. Externally this separation seems like a bitter type of unhappiness, but knowers of the truth understand it to be actually a type of great happiness...
Sri Uddhava's Guru Rsi Narada
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After arriving in Dvaraka in an ecstatic and maddened state, Sri Narada Muni made his way into the wonderfully opulent palace of Srimati Rukmini devi, to the entrance of her room, where he saw an astonishing sight. A large crowd had gathered there, including Srimati Rohini-maiya, Rukmini devi and Krsna's other queens, their maidservants, and Sri Uddhava. Everyone there was concerned and upset because, although it was late in the morning, Lord Krsna was still sleeping in His bed...
Sri Narada Muni's ecstacy
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Sometimes it is seen that the gopis or exalted Vaisnavas fall to the ground and become unconscious; but their unconsciousness is not like ours, or that of munis or other types of so-called sadhus. When munis enter their samadhi, they forget everything - this world and themselves. But when the gopis or the Vaisnavas go into samadhi, they deeply remember the names, form, qualities and pastimes of Bhagavan Sri Krsna. A kanistha-adhikari cannot understand this...
Vrndavana Is Made Of Srimati Radhika
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Vrndavana is Radhamayi. It is made of Srimati Radhika, and everyone there is bhava-vibhor, lost in transcendental sentiments. The devotees here have just sung a bhajana in which they prayed, "I don't want to leave Vrndavana", and the main cause of that prayer is the variagated moods of Radhika and their depth of absorption. When Uddhava saw the moods of Radhika at Uddhava-kyeri, he became stunned like a wooden doll...
Glorification a Few Days Later
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Everyday we should look in our own hearts, to see how much we are following Srila Rupa Gosvami. We should think, "If I am not following Srila Rupa Gosvami then I should die. There is no purpose to my life...
Sri Baladeva Is Guru
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Lord Sri Krsna appeared as Sri Baladeva Prabhu, to give instructions on how to serve Himself. As one may massage his feet by his own hands, so Baladeva is Krsna Himself, in the form of the supreme Guru, to teach others how to serve His lotus feet. They are one, but there is a slight difference in their forms; Krsna is black and Baladeva is white, and Krsna carries a flute whereas Baladeva carries a buffalo horn. Because Baladeva teaches service to Krsna, he is called akanda-guru-tattva, the complete and undivided principle of Guru...
Lord Baladeva's Appearance Day
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You know the pastime of Sri Baladeva's killing Romaharsana Suta, but do you know why He did it? The fact is that this Romaharsana Suta never honored any devotees. He thought, "I am supreme of all. I am guru of all the 88 thousand rsis assembled here....
Our relationship with Balarama
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Today is a very auspicious day because two very sacred tithis (days) have met together: Purnima, and the Appearance Day of Baladeva. Today also ends Jhulana Yatra, which has been going on for one month since the beginning of this sravana month. At the end of Jhulan Yatra all Vrajabasis are very sad, and therefore Baladeva Prabhu appears on this day and makes them happy...
Baladeva's Birthday
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Today is the appearance day of Rohini-nandana Baladeva. According to the Vedic scripture Garga-samhita, Baladeva Prabhu appeared after Janmastami, but if this is accepted, there would be confusion. Baladeva would be older than Krsna by one year, and then they would not be able to play together, wrestle on equal terms, and have Their name giving ceremony performed for both of them at the same time...
Sri Rupa Gosavami, & Sri Baladeva's Appearance
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Many people have spoken tonight about Srila Rupa Gosvami. Even if Anantadeva (the many-thousand-headed serpent who holds the universes on his hoods) speaks for thousands of years with his thousands of mouths, he will not be able to complete the topic of Rupa Gosvami...
The Disappearance Day of Srila Rupa Gosvami
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Whatever Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura wrote was inspired by Srila Rupa Gosvami. He wrote the commentary of Srila Rupa Gosvami's Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu in the form of his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindhu. He wrote Prema-samput and Camatkara-candrika. Without Srila Rupa Gosvami, the other acarayas could not have given the world what they did...
The Mercy of Srila Rupa Gosvami
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In Sri Krsna’s pastimes, Srila Rupa Gosvami is Rupa-manjari, a special maidservant of Srimati Radhika. Rupa-manjari is always serving Srimati Radhika, and she is always on Her side. If Krsna orders her to do something, she will not be afraid to disobey, and by disobeying she will be so pleasing to Krsna. Among all the maidservants of Radhika, including Rati-manjari (Raghunatha dasa Gosvami) and Labanga-manjari (Sanatana Gosvami), she is the most prominent. Ananga-manjari, the younger sister of Radhika, is her bosom friend...
If Rupa Gosvami Had Not Come
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Srila Rupa Gosvami is the life of the Gaudiya Vaisnavas. He is the crest-jewel of the rasika-bhaktas (devotees who taste transcendental mellows) and it is he alone who fulfills the mano-bhistham, the heartfelt desire, of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We have performed our worship of Srila Rupa Gosvami, and we pray to his lotus feet that his conceptions may manifest in our heart. We pray that the manner in which he served Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Sri Sri Radha-Krsna may also manifest in our heart.
The Swing Ceremony
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In the month of Sravana (the rainy season), the clouds in the sky begin to make a thundering sound, and extremely fine mist-like rain drizzles everywhere. The atmosphere is very beautiful and pleasant after the heat of the summer months, for at that time all the forests of Vrndavana begin to bloom. Many types of flowers on both sides of the Yamuna, such as beli, cameli, jui, and madhavi begin to bloom...
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