Folder eBooks & Magazines

Folder Bhagavat Patrika ( 230 Files)

Magazine in Hindi language.

Folder Bhakti Books ( 388 Files)

Bengali, Dutch, English, German, Hindi, Russian and Spanish books and commentaries by Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

Folder Harmonist Magazine ( 27 Files)

The PureBhakti.Com Library is proud to offer Rays of The Harmonist magazine of Pure Bhakti. All issues of Rays of The Harmonist are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Some of the files contain scanned images and are a bit large. Please be patient, as it may take a few minutes to download them.

Folder Kirtans ( 56 Files)


Folder Other ( 24 Files)

Miscellaneous files

Folder Śrīla Gurudeva’s Personal Library ( 462 Files)

This is yet another manifestation of Śrīla Gurudeva’s mercy. Now you can download Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali texts that Śrīla Gurudeva collected since 1946 and referred to while preparing his translations and commentaries.

