Divine Installation
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I have been traveling around the world, preaching Vedic culture. The Vedic teaching is that we are not this body. This body is made of bones and blood. We are eternal, but this body is perishable. All the world’s scientists and doctors cannot extend a person’s life for even one second. In the heart of this body, we souls reside along with Paramatma, the Lord’s localized four-armed expansion...
Sri Guru - More Intimate Than Our Atma
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First, we must think that guru is our atma. Being totally surrendered to him, we must depend solely on him. Tan abhajet. Tan means the Supreme Lord, Krsna. If we serve Krsna under the guidance of sad-guru, then certainly, like magic, we will be out of maya....
Katyayani Vrata- Should Gaudiyas Observe it?
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There is no need of doing all these things. Because six gosvamis, what they have done we should do. They have not done anything like this, Katyayani-vrata and all these things. We should not [go] across them. We should do what they have done. Otherwise, we cannot have gopi-bhava.
Last Day of Kartik
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By the causeless mercy of my Gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, my Gurupada-padma (siksa-gurus) and Gandharvika-Giridhari Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda-bihari, our Vraja-Mandala parikrama is very successful in all respects.
I am Inviting You All
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You have been following some rules and regulations during the four months of Catur-masya, and especially during this one month of Kartika. This is now completed. We have also given some “wind-up,” so that you will be able to go on for the next four months. Then, after four months another winding will be given in Navadvipa-dhama. I am inviting you all. Not only should you all come, but each of you should bring ten people from your country. I want at least 15-20,000 devotees to come and perform parikrama in Navadvipa...
Govardhana/Kartik Mornings Discourses
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During the first half of Kartika, Srila Maharaja gave discourses at Gopinatha Bhavan in Vrndavana each evening, and called upon others to speak as well. He discussed the life and precepts of the Savior of this Age of quarrel and hypocrisy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, with reference to Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. He also discussed the Lord’s divine pastime places visited by the devotees during the day. In the mornings he spoke on the abounding philosophy and sweetness of the pastime of Mother Yasoda binding Krsna – Sri Damodara-lila...
Sri Krsna's Kartika Rasa-lila
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One year after Krsna made His promise to the gopis, on the full-moon night in autumn He looked at the moon and began to play His flute. He considered, "Our forefather, the moon, has a beloved other than his wife, Rohini. His beloved is Purva-disa, the eastern horizon...
The Disappearance Day of Srila Bhakti Pramoda Puri Gosvami Maharaja
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For the service of the brhad-mrdanga (book publication), Srila Puri Maharaja stayed in various places like Calcutta, Krsna Nagar, and Mayapura. For the sake of preaching gaura-vani, the message of Gaurasundara, he traveled not only throughout Bengal, but also to many places throughout India, and he met with great success...
To His Rope and His Belly
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Srila Sanatana Gosvami explained the mood of this prayer in Brhad-Bhagavatamrta. The devotee does not fear taking any birth. For example, although Vrtasura took birth as a demon, he was always glorifying Krsna's pastimes...
Śrī Gaura-kiśora – The Deity of Ideal Renunciation
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by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda
My śrī guru-pādapadma is not a teacher of any of the illusory subjects of this world, which are aimed only at enjoyment. Yet, at the same time, he alone is the indisputable genius in every subject in this world. Sadly, because I am deprived and fallen, because of my own weaknesses, not all of my guru-pādapadma’s teachings have entered my heart...
Srila Gaura-kishora dasa Babaji Maharaja
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We cannot touch Srila Gaura-kishora dasa Babaji Maharaja’s renounced lifestyle and high standard of bhajana, but we can at least accept and follow whatever lower principles that he established for us and practised in his own life. After making sufficient spiritual progress, we may be able to accept the higher things, but we should not desire to follow them in our present condition. Who can possibly follow his extreme renunciation...
We've Already Been Married
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Those who have attended this parikrama should think about why they have come. We have come here to earn bhakti, especially suddha-bhakti (pure devotion), and more especially vraja-bhakti - the very highest attainment. We have come to the best place in the world - Vraja. In Vraja, superior to Gokula is Nandagaon and Varsana, more superior is Vrndavana, more superior is Govardhana and most superior is Radha-kunda. You have come here, so we should not have any desire other than vraja-bhakti and radha-dasyam...
After The Play - Varsana
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Similarly I am puzzled, thinking, "Should I continue to preach in Western countries about the goal of Krsna's service, or should I stop?" Those I believed in tried to cheat me. They should not try to cheat me. They have endeavored for sense gratification for so many lives, so why should they not give this human life to the lotus feet of Lord Krsna? My lady disciples should be determined and think, "Do or Die!" There are so many examples for ladies to follow, like Srimati Gangamata Thakurani...
Why Is Brahma Our Original Guru - Varsana
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Why is Brahma our original guru? Sri Krsna Himself, by His own Sarasvati (internal knowledge potency), gave Brahma initiation into the gopal-mantra, and with the sound of His flute, He gave him the kama-gayatri mantra...
What to Pray For
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Lord Krsna became pleased when He heard Sri Damodarastakam - the prayer of Satyavrata Muni - and told him, "You may ask for any benediction." Satyavrata Muni replied, "You are the king of all gods and demigods. You have the power to give any benediction You like. But I don't desire any benediction of this world, within or outside the entire universe, or in Siva-loka...
Srila Sri Rupa Siddhanti Maharaja
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Today is a very auspicious day. It is the appearance day of param-pujyapada nitya-lila-pravista om visnupada Srila Bhakti Sri Rupa Siddhanti Gosvami Maharaja. He was born and brought up in East Bengal. He was a learned scholar and a good writer. When he first came to Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, he saw that all the brahmacaris in the temple were very learned, and he thought, "I am not learned, so I should return to my home. There I will study Sanskrit, law, and other subjects, and then I will join and serve Srila Prabhupada...
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