Always Think of Me
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'Man mana bhava’ means, ‘Give your mind to Me; absorb your mind in Me.’ Our commentators have given an example. In Vraja, a young cowherd girl was newly married and had come to Nandagaon. She has heard a great deal about Krsna and His wonderful pastimes, but she had not yet seen Him. She wanted to see Him up close...
Be Kind to Cows
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The cow species has an unbreakable relation with the āryan culture, refined civilization, lineage and dharma of India. Cows are the life of our culture, the essence of honor in our society, and an indivisible limb of our dharma. Without cows, our culture and very selves will become corpses devoid of life...
An Offering of Transcendental Memories – Part Two
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by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Māhārāja
Whenever he would see me, he would shower me with an affection that had a simple, natural intimacy (laukika-sadbandhuvat). As much as possible, he did not like dealings that were filled with giving him honour (maryādā). ...
An Offering of Transcendental Memories – Part One
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by Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Māhārāja
Once my most worshipable guru-pādapadma, aṣṭottara-śata-śrī Śrīmad Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī Mahārāja, accompanied by five or six sannyāsīs and ten to twelve brahmacārīs, arrived at Śrī Gaura-vāṇī-vinoda Āśrama in Subhāṣpallī, Khaḍagpura [West Bengal]. ...
Questions And Answers - The Process Of Pure Bhakti
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Material body has been made by the desires you have. This is how the gross and subtle bodies have manifested. It is due to our thoughts, desires, unwanted things. We wanted this to taste this world. And that is why Krishna's maya gave it, in the shape of gross and subtle body...
Sriman Siddhanath Tiwari Prabhu's Glorious Life
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On my way back home I thought to myself again and again, "Oh, Srila Gurudeva is serving Bhagavan in such esoteric association. He has dedicated his life to following in the footsteps of Guru and Vaisnavas. Indeed, his life is successful." I felt so proud to be his younger brother...
Some Remembrances of Srila Gurudeva’s Ideal Life
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Sriman Siddhanath Prabhu, Srila Gurudeva's younger brother, departed November 28th, 2014 at 3:15 PM. He attended Vraja Mandala Parikrama this year, 2014, and stayed with devotees of Gopinath Bhavan and Seva Kunja Krsna-Balaram Mandir. We will post more details of his departure and life as they come. Below is his remembrances of Srila Gurudeva, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja...
More on Ritvik
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Nowadays, some people have begun to follow the ritvik doctrine.* Having left the actual guru-parampara, they have accepted the ritvik parampara. But the ritvik doctrine has no relationship with spirituality (paramartha). Ritviks simply perform fire sacrifices (yajnas), take some payment (daksina), and then depart.
Discussion On Sri Gurvastakam, 6-9
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So Krishna likes so much, to that very gurudeva I'm doing vandana. You should know the symptoms of gurudeva, how high [he is]. Any worldly person who has lust and is falling down moment by moment is not guru. Anyhow if you have accepted a guru like this, give up at once these fallen gurus...
Our Family Goal
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I think always, and I also tell my devotees, that we are in only one family – the family of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. We should always be together and preach their mission throughout the world. If we are united again, we can preach throughout the world – as in the time of Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja...
Sri Gurvastakam
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Today I want to give an explanation of Sri Guru – what are the symptoms of a bona fide guru – and to show you examples that have been given in the epics [Vedic scriptures]. You can apply this to your own guru. Our Sri Guru is akanda-guru-tattva, Sri Baladeva Prabhu or Sri Nityananda Prabhu, so all teachings should be applied to him and to others who are following this...
Discussion On Sri Gurvastakam, 1-5
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Who has written this Gurv-astaka? Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. But he has taken the view of Srila Rupa Gsovmai, Srila Narottama Thakura, and he has explained all these things. Though he has written it for his gurudeva, but for akanda-guru-tattva he has written...
All My Daughters Should Preach
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I want that all my daughters and children should speak like this - very boldly - jumping like lions and roaring like lions on the head of an elephant. I don't want [now speaking in the tone of a shy kitty cat:] mew, mew, mew. You should be ready to preach my mission throughout the world. Begin from Australia and then everywhere. Then, someday, when you become expert, you should preach like lions - like me - everywhere...
They Accuse Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
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In a couple of years, by the grace of his Guru, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja preached the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Rupa Gosvami throughout the universe. He did this very quickly, especially by translating and writing books, and also by distributing books. Even those who never personally met him came to Iskcon, and to this line, only by his name, fame, and glory. I have also come here only by his grace..
The Inspiration Of Sri Govindadeva To Preach
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We should see that if we are hearing and yet our hearts are not melting, that is, even tears may come but the heart does not melt, then we should understand and realize this fact -- that we are high-class aparadhis. We have done aparadha and still we are doing aparadha. We should stop and regret deeply that, "I am an aparadhi." You should pray, "O Name, fie on me. You should be merciful to me." Only then will you realize something, and at that time your heart will be actually melted. This is the process...
Who Can Offer Bhoga To Krsna?
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I heard a question regarding a person who is not initiated, or a person who has only received first initiation (harinama). The question was asked, "Has such a person the right to make offerings to Krsna? What should he do?"
Suppose a person is not initiated at all, but he has faith and honor for Krsna and he knows that Krsna is Supreme Personality of Godhead. Or, he believes in...
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