The "Marriage" Of Radha And Krsna
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Some persons have false pride and false ego because they have taken birth in Vrndavana and think themselves to be Vrajavasis. However, if theydo not have the internal moods of Nanda Baba, Yasoda-maiya, and all of the eternal associates of Krsna, they are not Vrajavasis. Real Vrajavasis are those who have the mood of Vrajavasis like Nanda Baba, Yasoda-maiya, Krsna's sakhas, (boyhood friends) and especially the mood of the dasis (maidservants) of Sri Radha...
First Darśana in the West
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Our whole philosophy is based on the Gītā. On the basis of the Gītā, a loving tree like Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam has grown and produced very sweet smelling fruits. Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Swāmī Prabhupāda has made the platform. When he came, no-one was here to welcome him; he was a penniless person. No one knew him in Western countries. But wherever I go, I see that there are big crowds dancing and singing. All are there welcoming me. This is certainly the mercy of Śrīla Swāmī Mahārājaji...
In Honor of Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day
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When Sri Guru is on this planet, we have a relation with him as guru and disciple. At that time our entire energy goes into carrying out his order, and we are not solely able to think, outwardly and internally, about his deep motive for coming to this world. Today, on this auspicious day, we have the opportunity to think about his entire life: who he is, what he did, what he wanted to teach, and why he came to this sphere...
A Hint of Srila Prabhupada's Glories
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Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja came for this purpose: that from vaidhi-bhakti we will develop through sadhana-bhakti to bhava-bhakti and then to prema-bhakti. He has not only come to clear the jungles and for harinama. He wanted the people of the world to realize the identity and meaning of harinama. He did not want them to chant harinama without any rasa. He wanted them to become so attached to chanting Hare Krsna that they would not be able to ever leave it, and he wanted their taste and attachment to increase continually...
Their Lasting Relation
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Not only here, but wherever I go throughout the world, whether in the East or the West, I see the result of the inspiration he has given. In a very remote place in Canada, in a deep forest in the mountains, I went to a devotee village named Saranagati; and I was so pleased to see the many devotees there following varnasrama-dharma and the principles of bhakti. I also went to a remote village in Australia, also among the hills, in a very beautiful setting...
In Glorification of Srila Prabhupada
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There were so many seniors, like Pujyapada Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja and Srila Vana Maharaja and others, but Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada sprinkled so much mercy on Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by telling him, "Your English is perfect, you are a poet and preacher, you play mrdaìga and you can do everything. You are qualified to preach this mission in the West..."
My Siksa Guru and Priya Bandhu
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Srila Narayana Maharaja was happy to share his fond memories of this long-standing and affectionate relationship. Excerpts from a variety of Maharaja's informal interviews and statements have been used. We also have lightly edited his often ambiguous and misunderstood English. If he had presented these memories and appreciations in Hindi, his native tongue, the details and heartfelt explanations would be far more eloquent, clear, and detailed. However, time and circumstances have not yet permitted this...
Invitation To A Play-Marriage
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This is our Gaudiya Vaisnava speciality. We should continue practicing, and go on trying to learn everything that is needed in order to enter raganuga-bhakti. We are sure that Srimati Radhika will arrange everything for us. If She made arrangements for Gopa Kumara and the Govardhana brahmana, why would She not arrange for us as well? Surely, She will do so. She sent one of Her associates to you, to bring you up to this stage. Why would She not arrange further?
Srila Prabhupada's Glories
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Now we are chanting and remembering, but it is a rare devotee who has taste in this. If any taste will come, he cannot leave Krsna-nama. Their devotion will go up and up and come to bhava-bhakti. Svamiji has not only come to clear jungles and thorns. He has come to give this. He had very little time, and when he was going to give it, Krsna called him, “Your task is finished. Come on, come on. You should serve Me here with Radhika.”
Jaladuta Prayers
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by Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Mahārāja
[O Krsna!] Although I have been ordered to accomplish this mission, I possess no qualification to do it, being very fallen and incapable. Since You are the wisest of all, I now beg for Your mercy so that I may become worthy...
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
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Try to follow the teachings and actions of Srila Svami Maharaja – not following blindly and not imitating. Simply copying will not do. We should try to deeply follow his siddhanta, behavior and moods. ....
The Disappearance Day of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Gosvami Maharaja
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According to the degree of love and affection towards someone, one will experience that much separation for a person. The gopis had so much affection for Sri Krsna, and that is why they felt so much separation when He went to Mathura. We have read about the various stages of their separation in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other scriptures...
Disappearance Day of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja
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We have heard from Vedic scriptures and Guru that when a high-class Vaisnava is speaking hari-katha, we should think, "It is better not to perform parikrama of Govardhana, or Navadvipa, or anywhere else. Better that I hear hari-katha." Sri Giriraja Govardhana will give us His mercy only after the Vaisnavas have given us their mercy. Govardhana will not speak to us or instruct us, and therefore our hearts will not be so rapidly purified...
The Glory of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Gosvami Maharaja
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We have heard from many Vaisnavas, such as Sripad Parivrajaka Maharaja and Sripada Madhava Maharaja, and especially Sripad Bhakti-prasada Van Maharaja spoke very nicely about the principle of separation (viraha-tattva). Separation feelings are very important in the bhajana of Gaudiya Vaisnavas. When first entering the realm of bhajana there are feelings of separation, in the middle there are such feelings, and when one attains...
Opulence, Or Sweetness?
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Whether or not maha-aisvarya is present, if Krsna's pastimes are nara-lila, then it is madhurya. On the other hand, if by the presence of maha-aisvarya Krsna knows that, "I am Isvara, God," and His bhakta also knows that He is God, that is aisvarya-lila.
The Glories Of Giriraja Govardhana
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From the beginning of our Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya line, all our acaryas have given proper respect to Giriraja Govardhana. All devotees have so much respect for Govardhana. So many Govardhana silas have somehow come to them, and they are worshiping those silas...
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