Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja Glories
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Originally, at the time of Mahaprabhu, there were five pancikas, but Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and my Gurudeva later introduced seven: Panca-tattva-pancika and Upasya-pancika, aradhana of the supreme worshipable Deities. Upasya-pancika includes Gadadhara, Mahaprabhu, Krsna, Radhika, and Guru...
Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja
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One has to accept the renounced order from another person who is in renounced order. So I never thought that I shall accept this renounced order of life. In my family life, when I was in the midst of my wife and children, sometimes I was dreaming that my spiritual master was calling me, and I was following him. When my dream was over, I was thinking, ... I was little horrified...
He Kept His Life In His Hands
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The backbone of bhakti is guru-nistha (strong faith in one's spiritual master), and those who have no guru-nistha can never develop in Krsna consciousness. We have seen his guru-nistha. He wanted to glorify his Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, but he became overwhelmed simply by beginning to utter the word 'Prabhupada'. He would begin to weep loudly, and then he would call upon us (Srila Vamana Maharaja, Srila Trivikrama Maharaja, myself and others) by some signal to glorify his Gurudeva. Having heard from him about his relationship with his Gurudeva, we glorify him in connection with his absorption in his Gurudeva's service...
Sastriya Sadhu-sanga
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One should take sat-sanga, giving up all types of asat-sanga. By the influence of sadhu-sanga, in other words, by the sharp words emanating from the pure devotees lotus mouths, the hidden fantasy of the mind in the form of desires for sense enjoyment, and also the covered desires for sense enjoyment in the form of desire for renunciation, are dispelled from the heart forever...
My Remarks
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Nowadays, many people in the sārasvata-bhaktivinoda-dhārā, or the line of thought of Śrīla Sarasvatī Ṭhākura and Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, stray from the line of thought following Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī (rūpānuga-vicāra-dhārā), and licking the feet of the ‘īcaḍe-pākā’ sahajiyās, say, “What’s the use of preaching? What is there in performing kīrtana? Do bhajana, just do bhajana.”..
On the Svarupa of the Jiva
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Once, I was in Mathura. I was like the president of that matha – matha-raksaka (matha commander). There, in the month of Kartika [1955], Pujyapada Sridhara Maharaja, Pujyapada Yayavara Maharaja, Pujyapada [Bhakti Dayita] Madhava Maharaja, and so many learned sannyasis of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati were assembled....
The Vyasa Puja of Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja
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If someone criticizes our guru, or we hear criticism of Vaisnavas or criticism of bhakti – and we simply sit and hear – this is not the etiquette of a Vaisnava. We have seen many times that during Navadvipa parikrama, the smarta brahmanas, the gosvami caste, were against Gurudeva and created obstacles for the devotees. Why did they become against him?
Appearance Day of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura
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Today is a very auspicious day. It is the birthday of Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, who is one of the solid and strong pillars of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching. After the generation of the Six Gosvamis and Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, Narottama Thakura, Syamananda Prabhu and Srinivasa Acarya became the leaders of the Vaisnavas in Bengal.
The Beautiful Reality
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One day, Krsna and His cowherd friends, the sakhas, were grazing their cows in a forest where there were no mangoes or other fruits. His sakhas told Him, “We are very hungry; we cannot remove this demon of hunger. There are some tal trees nearby, but we will have to go carefully because a demon named Dhenakasura lives there...
Don't Waste Your Time
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We should not waste our time in sense gratification, which is also reserved for you in animal life. If you are a hog or a pig you can collect numerous wives, and there will be no need to spend any money. You will not have to divorce to enjoy many new mates. There will be no court case and no need of maintenance of children. In this life you can have only one son or daughter in a year - not more than that - and if twins come, you can have two, three or four. But hogs, pigs and dogs have eight, ten, twelve, or sixteen children at a time...
Teaching The Daughter-In-Law
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O my dear brother, my foolish mind! Taking hold of your feet, I humbly pray to you with sweet words. Please give up all pride and quickly develop sublime and incessant rati for Sri Gurudeva, Sri Vraja-dhama, the residents of Vraja, the Vaisnavas, the brahmanas, your diksa-mantras, the holy names of the Supreme Lord, and the shelter of Kisora-Kisori, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, the eternally youthful divine couple of Vraja...
The Appearance Day Of Sri Nityananda Prabhu
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Nityananda Prabhu broke the blockage, and the ocean of love was then free to come to this world, everywhere, door to door. What is that prema? Sacinandana Gaurahari is Himself unnatojjvala-prema, and He brought unnatojjvala rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam (service to Srimati Radhika as Her maidservant). Nityananda Prabhu is the embodiment of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's complete mercy.
Lord Nityananda is Never Angry
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We should try to give up anger, which is the root of all kinds of evil. Even if there is a reason to be angry, we should not be angry. Nityananda Prabhu is telling us this, through the medium of this song. He is saying, "You should be like me." When Jagai and Madhai hit him and he was bleeding, he prayed to Mahaprabhu, "In this incarnation, You should forgive them, and give them krsna-prema." Thus, by the request of Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave the brothers krsna-prema...
The Appearance Day of Sri Nityananda Prabhu
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Having taken the intrinsic mood and beauty of Srimati Radhika, Sri Krsna is now Sacinandana Gaurahari. His elder brother Baladeva Prabhu, the son of Rohini devi, who was playing with Sri Krsna in Vraja, is now Nityananda Prabhu.
Rama, Laksmana, and Nityananda
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Today is a very auspicious day – the birthday of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Last week we observed the appearance day of Mahavisnu, Advaita Acarya, and today we are observing the appearance day of Nityananda Prabhu.
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