[Sometimes devotees ask "Why do you sign every update email
'Thanks for your patience as we strive to serve you'"?
Well the answer is because PureBhakti.com is a work in
progress, and sometimes there are areas that aren't as
good as they could be or are missing altogether.
One big omission for quite some time has been the
preview edition of Syamarani didi's upcoming memoir,
"The Art of Spiritual Life" or ASL as we have been
calling it. Some of the files for ASL were lost in the
transition of websites last summer, and the presentation
which was available previously is only now back on the
site. There is a permanent link to ASL on the homepage,
in the right hand column in the "Features" section. On
the ASL page you can also download an Adobe PDF version
of the preview edition of ASL.
I beg your forgiveness
for being slow in fixing this. I hope to add the
additional chapters that Syamarani didi has sent me for
this presentation soon.
Thanks for your patience as we strive to serve you. - Kishore Krishna dasa]
O respected
reader, before endeavoring to present these memoirs, please allow
me to offer my unlimited obeisances to my most worshipable diksa-guru,
nitya-lila pravista om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
I also offer the same to my most worshipable siksa-guru, om visnupada
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, who continually
increases my faith in Prabhupada.
Maharaja, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is an eternal
associate of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, an uttama-mahabhagavat devotee.
In order to preach Krsna consciousness in this world, he played the
role of a madhyama-adhikari devotee, who makes four distinctions in
his dealings with others. He shows prema, love, for Bhagavan, he shows
friendship in three ways to those devotees who are higher than him,
those equal to him, and those less advanced than him; he shows mercy
to those just approaching Krsna consciousness, and he neglects those
who are against Krsna or His devotees. I was an example of a tiny
jiva to whom he showed mercy, and the following is a summary of my
experiences with him.