Submitted by Jagaddhatri devi dasi
Hare Krsna to our extended family-
Please accept my pranams. All glories to Guru and Gauranga. I just received word from Mula's sister Debbie that Mula passed about 2 hours ago, approximately 8:30 AM, July 12 in Vrndavana. She had been surrounded by devotees for the last few weeks, with 24 hour kirtan; she miraculously was feeling no pain, and was conscious almost to the very last moment. Mula always does things with great style and grace and this was no exception; she has shown us, left behind in the material world, how to remain a devoted servant of her beloved Srila Prabhupada to her last breath, and in doing so has given us the greatest gift, by example, of faith in the Lotus Feet of our Spiritual Master for our own journey. Gopa will probably write something on the web at some point, but at this time is making funeral arrangements for her. Their children Sravan, Kirtan and Nama Priya were there with her as well. As far as I understand, Mula's book "Our Srila Prabhupada,
Friend to All" is almost completed, with the assistance of Manjari
in Vrndavana; when that comes out, you will see the sweet sweet
relationship that Mula has with Srila
Prabhupada. We don't really know who Mula is, but I know that I
will miss her terribly. In a recent note from Brajanath prabhu he expressed the following message from Srila
BV Narayana maharaja:
Srimati Mula Prakriti Dasi's passing
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