[Just prior to his Oct 11th Kartika class, Parama-pujyapada Srila
Narayana Maharaja ordered the newly
formed art department to create over thirty drawings and several
paintings of Sri Krsnas
Govardhana-lila, for the very large, newly-constructed Giridhari Gaudiya
Matha at Govardhana (where he
and all the parikrama devotees would be residing during their 10 day
Govardhana festival from October
18th to October 27th). In addition, these paintings would also be used
to illustrate his books. He also
requested that they make expert versions of illustrations of the Ten
Avataras, and those paintings
would later be turned into painted bas reliefs for the same Govardhana
Later, in an attempt to get more qualified artists to assist with these
projects, at the end of his Oct
11th class, he held up and showed the over 1000 parikrama devotees the
newly completed painting of Lord
Krsna trying to break Srimati Radharanis maan, painted under his
direction for the English edition of
his Hindi translation and commentary of Sri Gita-govinda. While holding
up this painting he announced:

This is the almost completed painting of Sri Krsna trying to break
Srimati Radhika's maan
I am very sad, because Sri Krsna and Srimati Radhika are weeping and
She is scratching the ground.
But what to do? I am indebted to Syamarani that she took my mood and has
put it on canvas.
I want many expert and qualified artists to come forward and help
Syamarani not Syamarani but me
because she has given her whole life and everything to me. I want both
male and female expert devotee
artists from Russia, Australia, America and all other countries to come
forward and meet with her. We
need so many pictures. We want to publish Sri Gita-govinda in English
very soon, as well as many other
Our bookstall is there in the back. I also request you to take the new
books. [Srila Maharaja then held
up the just-published Harmonist magazine and continued:] Many new books
are there, as well as this, the
best magazine in the entire world. It is better than the Back to Godhead
Magazine published nowadays. It
is like those magazines published during the time of Parama-pujypada
Srila Swami Maharaja not as they
are now. You should each take one copy for yourselves, and ten copies
for your friends.
There are so many wealthy persons, and I request them to come forward to
help with our projects and in
publishing books. I know they don't want name and fame, so they may come
to me alone. They may come
secretly no harm.
[If interested please contact:
. ]
Editorial advisors: Pujyapad Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasa
Transcriber: Vasanti dasi
Typist: Anita dasi
Editor: Syamarani dasi