Tour Report
Taipei, Taiwan
November 20 - 23, 2006
Srila Narayana Maharaja arrived in Taipei, Taiwan on November 20th, for
a stopover en-route to Hawaii. He was met at the airport by devotees
from Hong Kong and China, along with a delegation of the Chinese Yoga
Society based in Taiwan, and Mr. Tuen-Ping Yang who had invited Srila
Gurudeva initially. The Chinese Yoga Society has 40,000 members
throughout Taiwan, and they lavishly hosted Srila Maharaja and the
devotees during his visit.
On the morning of the 21st, Srila Narayana Maharaja met with many of the
directors of the Society, who warmly welcomed him to Taiwan, and he
answered many ques tions about bhakti yoga.
Then, on the evening of the 22nd, Srila Narayana Maharaja held a press
conference with reporters from The China Times newspaper, from a very
popular magazine, and from another well known Taipei newspaper. Through
the constant flashing of cameras one reporter asked why was it that even
famous persons like the Beatles (referring especially to George
Harrison) and others around the world had taken to Bhakti Yoga. Srila
Maharaja explained that they had come to understand that without bhakti
no one can be happy, even though one is wealthy and famous, and they
realized that by chanting the maha-mantra and following bhakti yoga they
could find true happiness.

After the press conference, Srila Maharaja headed a program where he
spoke before more than 400 members of the Chinese Yoga Society, who
happily attended the event in spite of the congested traffic due to
heavy rainfall. He told them that hatha-yoga alone would not make them
happy. He told them that they should continue their yoga exercises, but
include bhakti yoga in their practices. Then they would not only be
strong physically, but they would become truly happy. After his
inspiring talk, everyone enthusiastically joined him in chanting the

At the end of the program, Srila Maharaja enjoyed performances of local
children who sang an d danced for him, and also did a wonderful musical
performance on traditional Chinese instruments. One very old folk song,
which was sung by everyone and led by a very shy four year old boy, was
a song of gratitude for the bright lamp which has led us into the
light. It was performed for the pleasure of Srila Maharaja in gratitude
for his coming to them and giving them his divine message which would
save them from the miseries of material existence and bring joy into
their lives. All were very enlivened and accepted copies of Srila
Maharaja's books & lectures in Chinese.

Earlier that morning Srila Narayana Maharaja initiated several devotees
from mainland China, by telephone, giving them the Maha-mantra. Jai Sri
dasi, from mainland China, is Srila Narayana Maharaja's translator.

Before departing for Hawaii on the 23rd, Srila Maharaja accepted the
leading yoga instructor and director of the Chinese Yoga Society as his
darling daughter and gave her the name Lalita Devi Dasi. She promised
she would teach her students the principles of bhakti-yoga, which she
would receive from him. Srila Maharaja was most pleased and said she
would be a great preacher.
Editorial Advisors: Sripad Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanath dasa
Editor: Syamarani dasi
Report submitted by Pradyuma Misra dasa