Sri Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama 2016
Srila Gurudeva’s vigraha praktya mahotsava
All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga
Humble invitation
Sri Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha
M. Kolerdanga Road (near the Ganga Bridge)
Navadvipa, West Bengal
Phone: +91-9153125442 / 9734825362 (Madhusudan das)
Thursday 17-24 March
Srila Gurudeva’s vigraha praktya mahotsava
Festival of Srila Gurudeva’s manifestation in his Divine form (vigraha)
Our beloved Gurudeva Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, awaits your presence at the Holy Dhama of Sri Navadvipa. Before entering his eternal pastimes, he instructed all his sons and daughters to approach him in Sri Navadvipa dham for a loving rendez-vous. With the sincere and dedicated efforts of Bhakta Bandhava team, Srila Gurudeva’s Samadhi basic construction and interior has been completed. On 17 March, on the first day of sankalpa (vow) for Sri Navadvipa dham parikrama, Srila Gurudeva’s Divine form will be established. His presence in Samadhi form is for nurturing our bhajana in separation, thus blessing us at all times for assured success in our bhajana. (Please note that Srila Gurudvea's Murti installation on 17 March 2016 has been postponed as mentioned in this later announcement.)
Srila Gurudeva chose to have his Samadhi at Sri Navadvipa dhama to help us to cross the ocean of material existence. Sri Navadvipa dhama is non-different from Sri Nityananda prabhu who isakhanda-guru-tattva(Supreme spiritual master) and the abode ofnitya-ananda(etenal bliss). Without the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu one cannot attain the service of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Hence, as we visit Srila Gurudeva's Samadhi, then automatically we are approaching entire Guru-parampara up to akhanda-guru-tattvaSri Nityananda prabhu.
This is special mercy of Srila Gurudeva to us by taking Samadhi at Sri Navadvipa dhama. Also Navadvipa dhama is full of magnanimous mercy and eradicates our offences. Thus we get an opportunity to elevate our bhajana by getting our offences exempted at Navadvipa dhama.

Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama
Following his commands and instructions, we invite all his beloved sons and daughters to attend Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama 2016, on his behalf. We will also relish the sweet enchanting memories of days spent during his manifest pastime, in his divine presence.
In Vraja, Sri Krishna relishes the mellows of transcendental love which he receives from Vrajavasis, and in Sri Navadvipa dhama He relishes the love of Srimati Radhika by adopting Her mood and luster. In the ecstasy of such relishment He distributes vraja-prema freely and joyfully to everyone without considering ones eligibility. Thus Sri Krishna, in the mood of Srimati Radhika, is more glories and magnanimous. Similarly His abode Sri Navadvipa dhama, though non-different from Sri Vrindavana dhama, is more potent and merciful. That devotee who performs his devotional practices aspiring for the transcendental mellows of Vraja can easily attain this vraja prema by taking exclusive shelter of Sri Gaurasundara and His dear associates in Sri Navadvipa dhama, where offences are not considered. Devarshi Narada, Sri Uddhava and other exalted saints possess a high caliber of prema, but still they aspire to acquire this rarely attained vraja prema. Sri Gaurasundara's abode easily bestows this prema.
In conclusion, Sri Navadvipa dhama is as supremely magnanimous as Sri Gaurasundara Himself. Navadvipa dhama consists of nine islands [nava means "nine" and dvipa means "island"], namely, Antardvipa, Simantadvipa, Godrumadvip, Madhyadvipa, Koladvipa, Ritudvipa, Jahnudvipa, Modadruma dvipa and Rudradvipa. Furthermore, Sri Navadvipa dhama is the abode of the nine types of devotional service as follows:
Antardvipa – self-surrender; Simantadvipa – hearing; Godrumadvipa – chanting; Madhyadvipa – remembering; Koladvipadvipa – serving the Lord's lotus feet; Ritudvipa – worshiping (arcana); Jahnudvipa – offering prayers; Modadruma dvipa – engaging as a servant; and Rudradvipa – serving as a friend.

Our Sampradaya Acarya, nitya-lila-pravista om visnupada astottara-sata Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura inaugurated the Sri Navadvipa dhama parikrama and Sri Vraja Mandal Parikrama for the ultimate benefit of all the sincere devotees of the Lord.Our beloved Gurudeva, nitya-lila-pravista astottara-sata Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja has been carrying forward the same tradition.In fact Srila Gurudeva is still continuing this parikrama at Sri Sri Keshavji Gaudiya Matha in Sri Navadvipa dhama, he is inviting us all for the annual Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama in 2016.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, one of the most important Acaryas of our Sampradaya, writes in his Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The result of staying only one day in Navadvipa –
sarva-tirthe vasa kari 'jei phala päi navadvipe labhi tähä ekadine bhäi
“O brother, the result one obtains by residing at any of the other holy places for many days will be received by residing for only one day in Sri Navadvipa.”
Therefore, all the sincere devotees of the Lord who desire pure love of Godhead are cordially invited to take part in the parikrama of Sri Navadvipa-dhama.
Taxi Details
For renting a taxi to pick you up from the airport, you may contact our taxi services:
To register for this festival, you will be asked to fill in the participation form and give your contribution (in Rupees, Dollars or Euros) to the devotee in charge in the registration office at the entrance of the temple gate. There you will find other devotees responsible for accommodating you inside or outside the temple complex.
Registration Fee
A minimum contribution of Indian Rs. 4500, US$ 70, or EU 60 per person is requested in order to cover the most basic expenses of the festival. This contribution will help to cover electricity and water, the rental of the pandal and sound system, payment for various workers, cleaning costs, and facilitation of the many poor pilgrims from India.
At the registration office you can purchase prasadam coupons, which will cover delicious maha-prasadam for the entire parikrama.
Accommodation is available in- and outside our temple property. If you like to rent a room in one of our guest houses, and don’t mind to share with other devotees, or prefer a room at the local houses near our Math, you can write Vrinda-devi dasi for more information -
Festival committee:
All dedicated disciples of Srila Gurudeva.
Temple management:
Madhusudan das + 91-9153125442 / 9734825362.
Sri Pradyumna Babaji Maharaja & Sriman Radesh das
Over-all management:
Sriman Ramchandra das + 91-9810192540

Parikrama Schedule
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Manifestation of Srila Gurudeva’s vigraha and sankalpa (taking of vows) at the Ganges.
Friday, 18 March 2016
Sri Antardvipa: Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math, Sri Gaura Janmasthan (birth place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) in Sridhama Mayapura, Srivasa Angan, Sri Advaita Bhavan, Sri Gadadhara Angana, Sri Caitanya Matha (Sri Candrasekhar Bhavan), Samadhi Mandir of Jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, Srila Gaur Kishora Das Babaji Maharaja Samadhi Mandir, and Chand Kazi's Samadhi.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Fasting for Amalaki Ekadasi.Sri Devananda Gaudiya Math. Sri Simantadvip: Simulia. Sri Rudradvipa: Praudhamaya, Sri Jagannath Das babaji Maharaja's bhajan kutir and samadhi mandir, Nidaya Ghat.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Fast Break time: 05:41am - 09:43am
Sri Godrumadvipa: Swarupaganja, Surabhi-Kunja, Svananda-Sukhada-Kunja, Suvarna-Vihara, Harihara-Ksetra, Sri Narasimha Palli.On the way back: Sri Madhyadvipa: Vamanpada and Hamshavahan
Monday, 21 March 2016
Sri Koladvipa: Samudragadha, Campahatti.Ratupura (Radha Kunda), Kowala
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Sri Jahnudvipa : Jannagara (Jahnu muni's place) Sri Modrumadvipa : Mamagachi (Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura Birthplace), Sri Ritudvipa: Vidhyanagar (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's Birthplace). Matapura (Panca-Pandav-agyatvasa).
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Fasting for SRI GAURA-PURNIMA. Appearance day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Maha-abhishek in evening and kirtan festival.
Thursday, 24 March 2016
Fast break time: from sunrise until 9:50am. Departure.