Sri Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha
M. Kolerdanga Road (near the Ganga Bridge)
Navadvipa, West Bengal
Phone: +91-906.485.1258
1 – 7 March 2023
All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga
Srila Gurudeva’s Centennial celebration and
Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama
We cordially invite you for our 7-day inspirational pilgrimage to the nine islands of Sri Navadvipa dham, West Bengal, in the company of blissful devotees from all over the world.
Our Sampradaya Acarya, nitya-lila pravista Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura inaugurated Sri Navadvipa-dhama parikrama and Sri Vraja Mandal parikrama for the ultimate benefit of all the sincere devotees of the Lord. And our beloved Srila Gurudeva, nitya-lila pravista ashtottara-sata Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja has been carrying forward the same tradition. In fact Srila Gurudeva is still continuing this parikrama at Sri Sri Keshavji Gaudiya Matha, Navadvipa-dhama and thus inviting all for the annual Navadvipa-dhama parikrama in 2023.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vrajendra-nandana Sri Kṛṣṇa, descends as Sri Gaurasundara to benefit the living entities by propagating the chanting of the holy name and by distributing prema. Beyond even that, He descends to personally relish the sentiments of Sri Radha. At that time, His most cherished abode, Sri Vṛindavana, which until that time was covered, manifests as Sri Navadvipa-dhama, and powerfully bestows prema-bhakti. If a person takes shelter of Sri Gaurasundara in His abode, he will easily attain this prema- bhakti that dear devotees like Sri Narada and others rarely achieve. Sri Gaura and Sri Nityananda do not seriously consider the living entities’ offences; neither does Their abode. Prema- bhakti in the unnatojjvala-rasa of Vraja is attained simply by meditating or residing in the land of Navadvipa or circumambulating it with faith.

For details about Parikrama (Registration, Rooms, Taxi etc.) please contact:
To register for this festival, submit a completed participation form and give your contribution (in rupees, dollars, or euros) to the devotees who are responsible for this service in the registration office at the right after the main temple entrance. There you will find other devotees who will help you with your accommodation either inside or outside the temple complex. For more information contact: Sundar Gopal das at (+91) 74.5783.9654.
Festival Fees
A minimum contribution of Indian rupees 8500, US$ 110, or EUR 100 per person is requested in order to arrange delicious maha-prasadam and to cover the most basic expenses of the festival: the rental of the pandal and sound system, electricity and water, paying various workers, cleaning costs etc.
Accommodation is available in and outside our temple property. If you would like to rent a room in one of our guest houses and don’t mind to share with other devotees, or if you prefer a room at the local houses near our Math, you can write:
- Sundar gopal dasa (for devotees from Russia and in India)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Telegram: +7 968 481 0833 / Mobile and WhatsApp +91 745 783 9654 - Damayanti dasi (for devotees in Russia)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . WhatsApp: +7 967.854.2263 - For Indian residents please contact Dhir Krsna prabhu.
Taxi Details
For renting a taxi to pick you up from the airport, you may contact our taxi services:
Please visit for more details about traveling to the dhama, how to maintain good health during your visit, and other practicalities.
Temple management:
Madhusudan das +91-906.485.1258.
Sri Pradyumna Babaji Maharaja
Over-all management:
Sripad Vana Maharaja:
Sripad Bhaktivedanta Sridhar Maharaja
Sripad Bhaktivedanta Siddhanti Maharaja, contact: +91 99112 83869
Sripad Padmanabha Maharaja (Jr.), contact: +91 80820 86715
Sripad BV Bodhayan Maharaja, contact: +91 97762 38328
Sripad Ramcandra Prabhu, contact: +91 98101 92540
“If we can develop the eye to see, then every atom of Gaura-dham will charm us to the utmost. Only the eye is necessary. By charm every atom is sufficient to engage us fully and accommodate us wholesale. One particle of dust can give us the fullest engagement, because all is infinite and of the most generous type here. All the dust is of the most generous type and promising for Krsna.
Every particle of dust promises to give us Radha Krsna, so what more do we need? They all promise, and this is the outcome of Gaura-dham. No other nature can be traced in them. They are all helping to take us to our highest attainment. Really seeing, it is their nature. Externally according to our anartha, it may produce so many tests and examinations, but with the least test and least trouble, they are ready to give our highest goal: the connection of Mahaprabhu, and the eye to see who Mahaprabhu is. The angle of vision is the most important thing, the angle of vision to look upon the environment."
Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhara Goswami Maharaj, "Excerpt from Sri Navadwip Dham"

Sri Navadvipa dham Parikrama Schedule 2023
Wednesday, 1 March 2023
Sankalpa (taking of vows) at the Ganges.
Thursday, 2 March 2023
Sri Antardvipa: Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math, Sri Gaura Janmasthan (birth place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) in Sridhama Mayapura, Srivasa Angan, Sri Advaita Bhavan, Sri Gadadhara Angana, Sri Caitanya Matha (Sri Candrasekhar Bhavan), Samadhi Mandir of Jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, Srila Gaur Kishora Das Babaji Maharaja Samadhi Mandir, Chand Kazi's Samadhi.
Friday, 3 March 2023
Fasting for Amalaki Ekadasi.
Visiting: Sri Devananda Gaudiya Math. Sri Simantadvip: Simulia. Sri Rudradvipa: Praudhamaya, Sri Jagannath Das babaji Maharaja's bhajan kutir and samadhi mandir, Nidaya Ghat.
Saturday, 4 March 2023
Fast Break time: after sunrise 5:56 am to 09:51 am
Sri Godrumadvipa: Swarupaganja, Surabhi-Kunja, Svananda- Sukhada-Kunja, Suvarna-Vihara, Harihara-Ksetra, Sri Narasimha Palli. On the way back: Sri Madhyadvipa: Vamanpada and Hamshavahan
Sunday, 5 March 2023
Sri Koladvipa: Samudragadha, Campahatti, Sri Ritudvip, Ratupura (Radha Kunda), Kowala, Vidhyanagar (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's Birthplace)
Monday, 6 March 2023
Sri Jahnudvipa: Sri Jannagara (Jahnu muni's place), Sri Modrumadvipa: Mamagachi (Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura Birthplace), Arkatila, Matapura (Panca-Pandav-agyatvasa).
Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Fasting for SRI GAURA-PURNIMA. Appearance day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, 5:30 pm - Maha-abhishek in the evening and kirtan festival.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Festival of Sri Jagannath Mishra and Sacimata
Fast break time: 05:53 - 09:49
End of Sri Navadvipa dham parikrama 2023.