Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

14 November 1996

The most prominent aspect is Sri Guru’s realization of Sri Bhagavan. A sad-guru is he who manifests Bhagavan in the hearts of his disciples and offers them unto His lotus feet. A guru who cannot do this is not a guru. It is sometimes seen that certain disciples of a sad-guru fall down because they were not his factual disciples. Therefore, one should not be a so-called disciple. A disciple is he who accepts the moods and teachings of his guru as they truly are. I think that those who have accepted initiation but who don’t follow the example and teachings of their guru—are not really disciples. Those who are not following and practicing are not real disciples of Svamiji even if they were initiated by him. On the other hand, even if one has not been initiated by Svamiji but who still truly follows his teachings—deserves to be called his true disciple. Those who have taken initiation outwardly but are not practically following—cannot be called real disciples.

There are two lines of guru and they are bhagavat-parampara and pancaratriki-parampara. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura followed bhagavat-parampara. Pancaratriki-parampara is included within bhagavat-parampara. We should try to know what these two different types of parampara are. Those who are totally and heartly following their gurudeva’s moods and teachings are included within bhagavat-parampara. You know that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was not initiated by Sri Jagannatha Das Babaji Maharaja. You know that Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana Prabhu was not initiated by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura. You know that Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura was not initiated by Sri Narottama Das Thakura. You also know that Sri Haridasa Thakura was not formally initiated by anyone. Then how did he come in our line? Because he accepted Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Acarya as his gurus and followed them totally. Do you know who initiated Srivasa Pandita? Who initiated Sri Svarupa Damodara Gosvami? By a mayavadi? So, you will have to reconcile. They are all in bhagavat-parampara.

We are in the line of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. We should try to know what bhagavat-parampara is. Srinivasa Acarya had a disciple named Ramacandra Khan. He used to always stay with Srila Narottama Das Thakura. So, can we say that he was not a disciple of Srinivasa Acarya? He was not serving him? We cannot say this. He thought of Narottama Thakura as his siksa-guru. Who was superior between Srinivasa Acarya and Narottama Thakura? Both were the same. This is bhagavat-parampara. In this way, we should reconcile everything and try to follow Svamiji’s teachings and practices. Don’t blindly follow or imitate him. I saw a person who said, “I am a disciple of Sridhara Maharaja.” And he was imitating the way Pujyapada Sridhara spoke. But he was not interested in accepting Pujyapada Sridhara Maharaja’s mood and siddhanta. Only imitating will not do. We should always try to follow his siddhanta, practices and moods. A disciple can never fall down—never. What should we do if anyone falls down? We should know that he had never been a disciple in the first place. How can one fall if he has truly taken shelter of Sri guru? He can never leave his guru. Only those who haven’t taken shelter fall down. They haven’t really taken initiation at all.

Initiation implies an underlying mood of the heart. Only blowing air into the ear doesn't imply initiation. How can we accept a guru who doesn’t even have time for his disciples? The sastras state that a bonafide guru instills ruci (taste) for the service of Sri Bhagavan in the heart of the disciple. One who cannot do this is not a sad-guru. Even bogus persons think, “I have become a guru.” They then preached for sometime and made disciples. They were then later killed by one of their disciples. We should not try to make such a guru.

So, today is Svamiji’s disappearance day. I am very happy to hear about the moods of his disciples. Even those who received harinama from him honored him so much. I think that we have been successful in observing the disappearance day of Svamiji here in Varsana. I am praying that he showers his mercy upon us all. In this way, we will become bonafide disciples and serve Radha-Krsna and Gaura Nityananda Prabhu.

The doctors have warned me to not speak so much. We will stop here. All of you should chant the maha-mantra.

[Audio break]

I wanted to see how Svamiji has preached in the West. So I desired to go and pay my respects to the places where he has preached. Secondly, I wanted to fulfill the order he had given me. I read in many places that some of his disciples had left ISKCON. I realized that many needed inspiration and association to advance in their bhakti. I know that some of the seniormost, sincere, energetic and learned disciples of Svami Maharaja left ISKCON. ISKCON means Svamiji himself. There is no difference between ISKCON and him. But now I see that ISKCON is not Svamiji. There is some difference now. And that is why Svamiji left this world. He was not happy during his last days; he himself told me. So, everyone became very inspired when I went to the Western countries. I always desire to continuously serve my gurudeva, Svamiji, our disciplic acaryas, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. So, I am so glad to see many devotees from the Western countries here. They have become very enthusiastic again. Many are even chanting 64 rounds while some are chanting 32 rounds. They wish to chant even more. I have seen that their faith and honor for Svamiji has increased so much more after coming in my contact.

I don’t want to steal their faith, honor and keep it for myself. I desire that all your faith should go to the lotus feet of Svamiji and our disciplic guruvarga. So, we want to help and inspire all of you. I can help all of you according to the best of my capability. I am not qualified so much. Don’t compare me to Svamiji—I know that I cannot even be compared to the foot-dust present on the lotus feet of Srila Svamiji. I cannot be like the dust on his feet. My Guru Maharaja and Svamiji were of the same class and they can be compared; but not me. I have no qualities; I have nothing. So, don’t try to compare me with Svamiji. I honor him as my siksa-guru. Siksa-guru and diksa-guru are the same. I am so fortunate that my gurudeva was also my diksa-guru and siksa-guru. I think all of you are also so fortunate to have Svamiji as your guru. All of you who have come in his disciplic line are also so fortunate. Those who are the disciples of his disciples are also so fortunate. Those who have been initiated by his bonafide disciples are also so fortunate. You are in his line.

So, I am finishing here. You should be merciful to me.

Gaura Premanande!

*Submitted by Govardhana dasa.
