Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Cessnock, Australia, 3 February 2000, pm

I want to tell you one thing. Someone asked me, "What is your mission? What have you have come here to give?" My mission is the same mission as that of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Rupa Gosvami and my guru-parampara. It is to give love and affection to all living beings, without any consideration of cast and creed, and according to their qualification and standard of devotion to Krishna. Our main mission is to give love and affection to the highest standard. We are giving this.

You should know that if anyone has love and affection for Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he may then have love and affection for all living beings. He will not kill any animal, he will not take fish, meat or eggs, nor will he even crush any grass. He will try to please Krishna, and thus he will be loving and affectionate to all living entities. What is the most high class of daya, mercy?

Sometimes, when I go for a walk, there are so many calves and cows grazing in the fields, who when they see people, tremble in fear and run away. They think, "these persons, have no mercy for me. They are keeping me in jail, and after some days they will take me to the slaughter house and kill me". They know. What right do you have to chop them and kill them? If you are not merciful to them, how will Krishna be merciful to you?

If a renowned pope is killing calves who are like very small children, in order to take their meat, they will cry at the time of death. Where will this crying go? Where will it go? Krishna has no ears to hear? The Popes are thinking, "We are greatly religious persons and servants of God." And what are the calves realizing? They are realizing that there is no love and affection for them. They are also sons and daughters of Krishna; they are eternal servants of Krishna. We realize this and tell them, "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. You should hear this at least one time". Such persons are called guru. They are not self interested, nor are they duplicitous. Not at all. They are full of this kind of mercy, and they are all devotees. So my mission is this. I've come for this: to give love and affection for Krishna, and automatically that love will come to all living beings. You should all be like this.

This is my mission - not to be duplicitous and simply make so many disciples for myself, never never. Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Jiva Gosvami, Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, and others never collected disciples; but still they are jagat guru. They are actually guru - guru of the whole world. They can make disciples all over the world. My mission to give the same prema that I have been explaining - that which is experienced by the gopis.

Regarding those who are against these things, I think that Krishna should be merciful to them. I know that they are offensive to the lotus feet of guru - Gauranga, sastra and Krishna. I know it. I pray to Krishna to sprinkle mercy even to them because they are ignorant. Srila Haridas Thakura, prayed to Krishna, "O they are beating me in twenty two markets. They are all ignorant. Please give your mercy to them". If it were not for his prayers, Krishna would have at once sent His chakra. Ambarisa Maharaja also prayed for Durvasa Rsi, because devotees are merciful.

You should try to develop all these qualities. Develop prema for Krishna, and then try to be merciful to all. Try to give this message to all by distributing books and by nagara-sankirtan for the benefit of all the calves, cows and ignorant persons. Whether they want it or not, and even if they hate it, this Krishna nama should go there and purify them. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said that you should go for nagara-sankirtana, not seeing whether people are laughing at you, or insulting you, or anything else. Follow Srila Haridas Thakura, and follow Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura who established nama-hatta. Try to follow all these instructions. If you actually do this, then I will be pleased and Krishna will be pleased and then you will really be disciples; otherwise not.

Gaura premanande!
Hari, Hari bol!
