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Books in the Hindi Language


pdf Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami - His Life and Teachings


acarya kesari hindi

Every page of this biography, written by one pure Vaisnava about another, offers enthralling information about the lion-like acarya, Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. It not only describes his glorious life, spotless character and courageous preaching but it also details his lucid and penetrating delivery of Gaudiya philosophy. It depicts the qualities of a true acarya, who with his every breath demonstrates the pinnacle of loyalty to guru and who resolutely protects the tenets of his disciplic lineage for the benefit of the souls of this world.

This biography is complete in every way and leaves the reader honoured to have come into contact with such a pure and dignified Vaisnava.

default Arcana-dipika



The title of this book, Arcana-dipika, means "the lamp that illuminates arcana". The term arcana signifies honour or worship. As one of the nine processes of devotional service, it refers to worshipping the deity form of the Supreme Lord. Arcana-dipika teaches us how this service is performed and how to please the Supreme Lord through this process of worship. By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; the Six Gosvamis and other contemporary followers of Sriman Mahaprabhu; and more recently Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja the process of deity worship, which is the authentic method of approaching Sri Bhagavan, has been successfully introduced to the entire world.

default Bhagavad-gita



This profound translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja is sure to inspire sincere students of bhakti in their practices. It is considered complimentary to the authoritative and popular Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja. This present edition contains the bhavanuvada of the Sarartha-varsini-tika (a shower of the essential meanings) of the illustrious Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, which was originally penned in Sanskrit.  His commentary has been further illuminated by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja's Sarartha-varsini Prakasika-vrtti, which guides the reader into profound aspects of the siddhanta. Consequently, the innermost intentions of the Gita are revealed to the modern audience. Some of the brilliant Rasika-ranjana commentaries by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, have been included within this Prakasika-vrtti.

pdf Bhagavad-gita Pocket Edition


gita pocket 2004 ed

This pocket edition of Śrīmad Bhāgavad-gītā is Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s simple summary translation of the Gītā, named Rasika-rañjana (that which gives pleasure to rasika devotees), which is based on the Sārārtha-varṣiṇī-tīkā  of the illustrious Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura.

pdf Bhagavad-gita Sar


Bhagavad gita saar

This is a summary work examining the verse "Absorb your mind and heart in Me, become My devotee, worship Me, offer your obeisances to Me, and certainly you will come to Me.", the essence of the Bhagavad-gita. This brief publication offers vivid illustrations of the practical application of this verse with many pastimes of Krishna and our great saintly predecessors.

default Bhagavatamrta-kana



This book, by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, is a summary study of Sri Rupa Gosvami's Laghu-bhagavatamrta, which describes Sri Krsna's various incarnations and plenary portions.

pdf Bhagavatarka-marici-mala



Bhagavatarka-marici-mala, meaning a garland made of rays from the sun-like Srimad-Bhagavatam, is an exquisite compilation by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura of the most important verses of the Srimad-Bhagavatam according to the fundamental principles (tattvas) of sambanda, abhideya and prayojana together with their deep meanings.

default Bhajana-rahasya



Sri Bhajana-rahasya is compiled by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. He has collected into the form of a book several confidential hints from his own method of bhajana to guide sincere sadhakas who are performing bhajana under his direction. ... He [Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura] was constantly reciting and relishing verses such as the ones in this book, thus becoming overwhelmed with bhagavat-prema. For sadhakas whose faith is on the neophyte platform, the system of arcana is provided. Many people are unable to understand the distinction between arcana and bhajana and therefore use the word bhajana to refer to arcana. One can practise bhajana by performing the nine kinds of devotion, navadha-bhakti. Because arcana is included within navadha-bhakti, it is also considered a part of bhajana. There is a difference between complete bhajana and partial bhajana. Arcana means to worship the deity with awe and reverence; that is, with knowledge of the Bhagavan's opulence and by observing etiquette. It is also arcana to serve the Supreme Lord with various paraphernalia according to rules and regulations and with the mundane conception of identifying oneself with the material body. ... A brief arcana-paddhati has been added as an appendix to this book.

pdf Bhakta Prahlad


Bhakta prahlada web

From the ancient Vedic scriptures of India comes the famous epic of Prince Prahlad.

Long ago, an evil monarch named Hiranyakashipu seized control of the entire universe. Although he made life impossible for all, his son Prahlad, who was always absorbed in meditating on the Lord, remained undisturbed. Seeing the boy’s natural predilection for spiritual life and thus taking him as an archenemy, Hiranya-kashipu tried to kill him, but without success. If we follow the teachings of Prahlad Maharaja, we will also become fearless pure devotees of the Lord.

default Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu



This book is written by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and translated and commented upon by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja. It is basically a summary study of Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Srila Visvanatha Thakura wrote the three books, Bhagavatamrta-kana, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu and Ujjvala-nilamani-kiran, while he was still studying. In Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu there is a description of the nature of uttama-bhakti, sadhana-bhakti, the stages in the development of prema, the limbs of bhajana, offences committed in the performance of devotional service (sevaparadha), offences against the holy name (namaparadha), vaidhi and raganuga sadhana-bhakti, prema-bhakti and bhakti-rasa.

default Bhakti-tattva-viveka



Composed originally in Bengali by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Bhakti-tattva-viveka is a collection of four essays. By understanding the true nature of suddha-bhakti (pure bhakti), one can relish the ultimate goal of all scriptures, the pure nectar of krsna-prema as exhibited and preached by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

default Brahma-samhita



Lord Brahma's prayers of devotion to Sri Krsna. These prayers, offered at the dawn of creation by Brahma, the secondary creator of the universe, contain all the essential truths of Vaisnava philosophy.

default Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Part 1



Srila Sanatana Gosvami's Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta occupies a special place in the realm of Vaisnava literature. It is unparalleled in its delineation of siddhanta, rasa, bhava and lila. Its glories are limitless, and it is without question one of the most beneficial books for the progressive sadhaka. It is divided into two parts, and both parts tell the story of parivrajaka; that is, one who refuses the comforts of a permanent residence and constantly wanders in search of the essence of life.

default Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Part 2 (chapters 1-4)



Srila Sanatana Gosvami's Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta occupies a special place in the realm of Vaisnava literature. It is unparalleled in its delineation of siddhanta, rasa, bhava and lila. Its glories are limitless, and it is without question one of the most beneficial books for the progressive sadhaka. It is divided into two parts, and both parts tell the story of parivrajaka; that is, one who refuses the comforts of a permanent residence and constantly wanders in search of the essence of life.

default Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Part 2 (chapters 5-7)



Srila Sanatana Gosvami's Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta occupies a special place in the realm of Vaisnava literature. It is unparalleled in its delineation of siddhanta, rasa, bhava and lila. Its glories are limitless, and it is without question one of the most beneficial books for the progressive sadhaka. It is divided into two parts, and both parts tell the story of parivrajaka; that is, one who refuses the comforts of a permanent residence and constantly wanders in search of the essence of life.
