Damodara Krsna Pancami
Bhandiravana Pastimes
Krsna used to come with lakhs of cowherd boys to this place. They used to eat butter, fruits, pickles, and other types of food sent by their mothers. While having the cows graze, Krsna used to sit in the middle while the sakhas would surround Him in concentric circles.
Sadhana and Mercy: The Two Keys to Krishna’s Darshan
We should try our best to please Krsna. Seeing our sincere efforts, Krsna will be merciful at once and He will be controlled—otherwise not. Krsna saw how Mother Yasoda was about to cry. Her face became reddish by her efforts to bind Him...
Suka and Sari
Suka said, "Krsna is so beautiful.”
Sari replied, “He is beautiful only when He is with Radha; otherwise, He is not beautiful, He is only black. Krsna is so beautiful when the reflection of Srimati Radhika falls on Him. Krsna is then the enchanter of Cupid (Madana-mohana). Or else, He is Madana-mohita (bewildered by Cupid).”