31 October 1996 PM
Audio:  19961031MATHURA 266AB p2  
(starts at 5:08 minutes to 13:30 minutes)

rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mṛjantam
karāmbhoja-yugmena sātańka-netram
muhuḥ śvāsa-kampa-trirekhāńka-kaṇṭha-
sthita-graivam dāmodaram bhakti-baddham

Upon seeing His mother's whipping stick, He cried and rubbed His eyes again and again with His two lotus hands. His eyes were fearful and His breathing quick, and as Mother Yasoda bound His belly with ropes, He shivered in fright and His pearl necklace shook. To this Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisances.

Mother Yasoda tried to bind Krsna with as many ropes as she could get from the homes of Gokula—but she couldn’t bind Him. All the flowers from her braid fell and drops of sweat appeared on her face but she still could not bind her son. The rope was two fingers short. These two fingers represent our sadhana-bhajana and Krsna’s mercy. We will see Krsna only when both are there. We will then bind Him. If we feel no separation from Krsna then He will not give His darsana. When will Krsna’s mercy come? When He will see that we are so sincere and we cannot live without Him. He will then be merciful at once and give His darsana.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu spoke of the two divisions of Ramanajucarya’s followers. One division of followers think of causeless mercy.  This stance is compared to mārjāra-nyāya, the analogy of the cat carrying the kitten in her mouth.  They say, “If we are surrendered, Krsna’s causeless mercy will be upon us. We will have His darsana and service. He will be controlled. So we should not do anything.”  

The second division says, “We should do intense practices  to attain Krsna’s mercy. Krsna will be controlled by our sadhana and give darshan”. This stance is compared to markaṭa-nyāya, the analogy of the baby monkey clinging to his mother for protection.

“The cat carries it’s kittens everywhere. The kittens will not do anything for themselves; the mother will do everything. So, Krsna is like a mother; He will support us. I have nothing to do,” this is one category. 

The monkey carries it’s baby when it jumps from one place to another. The baby catches hold of it’s mother in a vice-like grip. If the baby falls, then the monkey will never accept it again. So, the second division of devotees think, “We will have darsana of Krsna by our sadhana-bhajana.” 

Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Both policies are not perfect. We will have to do sadhana to attain Krsna’s mercy.”

We should try our best to please Krsna. Seeing our sincere efforts, Krsna will be merciful at once and He will be controlled—otherwise not. Krsna saw how Mother Yasoda was about to cry. Her face became reddish by her efforts to bind Him. Krsna became pleased and allowed His Yogamaya potency to come, and Mother Yasoda bound Him so peacefully. Krsna cannot be controlled without this ‘idea’. Only bhakti can bind Him. We should go now to our buses.

Gaura Premanande!

*Submitted by Govardhana dasa.
