default Rays of The Harmonist- No. 10 - Summer 2002 - Sri Gaura-Janma-Lila
Table Of Contents
Sri Gaura-Janma-Lila
Prema-Bhakti and Sri Gaurangadeva
A Talk About The Absolute
The Highest Degree of Dedication
Sri Gitopanisade Atma-nivedana
Bhagavanera Katha
The True Spirit of Separation
Glorification of Hari, Guru, Vaisnavas
on Vyasa-puja Day
Self-Realization and Para-Bhakti
in Sadhu-Sanga
In This Very Critical Stage
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Udupi
Sampradaya-raksa vicara
Sri Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama 2002
A brief report