default Rays of The Harmonist- No. 14 - Karttika 2004 - Govinda-Damodara-Madhaveti
Table Of Contents
Sri Govinda Damodara Stotram (Verses 1-20)
A Deliberation on the Methodology of Sadhu Sangha
Residence in Vraja
One Must Correctly Identify a Vaishnava
Have I Made a Mistake?
Karma-Yoga: The Art of Spiritual Work
Sri Sri Radhastami
The Impetus for Sense Gratification
Our Eternal and Omnicient Guradian
Our Merciful Srila Prabhupada
An Ocean in the Palm of One's Hand
Sri Purusottoma Parikrama
Mahaprabhu's Mercy Touches Noida and Jammu
Passing Away of Mula Prakriti Dasi