default Rays of the Harmonist- No. 6 - Summer 2000 - A Graceful Change of Heart
Table Of Contents
Harmonist's Main Theme
Statement of Purpose: September 9, 1935
Organized Religion
The Fall of Brahma or the fall from Brahman?
Essential Changes - The Nectar of Devotion
To Eternal Vitality
A Vaisnava's Prayer
Gurudeva! Bada Krpa Kari
The Last Vyasa-Puja of the 20th Centry
Dainya-Vakya, Sri Gurudeva's Divine Expressions of Humility
Amara Jivana - My Whole Life
A Divya Shower - Divine Teachings and Precepts of
Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Gosvami Maharaja
Ratnakra - Ocean of Jewels
Sri Ujjvala-Nilamini-Kirana
A Ray of Crown-Jewel, Sri Syamasundara's Ujjvala-Rasa