Appearance of Sri Advaita Acarya
Which mood did Caitanya Mahaprabhu come to give?
I want to be a Guru Sevaka
What I Came to Give
Can Only Chanting Give Us Entrance into Vraja?
Our Relationship with Krsna
Bhakti Does Not Make One Proud
Katyayani Vrata- Should Gaudiyas Observe it?
The Essence of Everything
One Minute Clip

Those who are serving at the matha, they should never become overcome by the material ego. [‘I am the doer’] [We think] ‘Oh, my intelligence is very sharp. I’m strong. Using these qualities, I will accomplish these tasks.’

In the realm of devotion, all this is of no use.That is why one should not become overcome by material ego. Such individuals cannot serve the matha.

One must be adherent to the instructions of Sri Guru and Vaisnavas. Then, even a lean and thin individual can preach the glories of Bhagavan’s holy name around the world. Practice devotion without duplicity, nothing else is required.

There is no need to become a scholar. No need to be intelligent. There is no need for recognition nor for anything else. There is only one thing required - devotion to Krsna. In this way your life will become joyful and peaceful. That is why you all should also give up idle talks and other things and imbibe the instructions of Srila Prabhupada [Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura].
