Can Only Chanting Give Us Entrance into Vraja?
Our Relationship with Krsna
Bhakti Does Not Make One Proud
Katyayani Vrata- Should Gaudiyas Observe it?
You are my guru, but I don’t follow your instructions!
The Essence of Everything
How to approach Krsna-lila
Speciality of Gaudiyas’ Mood
Which mood did Caitanya Mahaprabhu come to give?
One Minute Clip

Totally you should surrender. Now I am yours. Not verbally only, by action also. If you are hiding something from your most beloved Gurudeva, then you are killing yourself.
Do not have any duplicity. Always his all actions will be to please Gurudeva. And then, what Gurudeva will do? Then he will open his heart and give everything. Those who will hide something, he is expert in all this because Gurudeva has learnt everything from tricky Krishna. So, he is very tricky.


Hear the entire Katha here: