sri sri guru gauranga jayatah!

Year 10, Special Edition
Posted: 16 January 2018
Dedicated to
nitya-lila pravista om visnupada
Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja
Inspired by and under the guidance of
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Enthusiasm to Hear Hari-kathā Grants
Entrance into the Realm of Transcendence
[Dear Readers, do you have a letter from Śrila Gurudeva you would like to share? Please send your letters from Śrīla Gurudeva to
śrī śrī guru-gaurāṇgau jayataḥ
Śrī Keśavjī Gauḓīya Maṭha
Mathurā (U.P.)
1 Febrauary, 1976
I offer my prostrated obeisance at the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas, who are glorious.
Mā Umā, I received your letter dated 2 January, 1976 and am now aware of everything you mentioned. I was concerned for Sāvitri dīdī* after coming to know about her ill health. I hope that all of you are well by the mercy of Bhagavān.
* Sāvitri dīdī lived in the same town (Chuṅchurā), as Umā dīdī’s mother, Saraju dīdī, and her sister Gārgī dīdī. All three were disciples of our paramagurudeva, Śrīla Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī Mahārāja.
I am happy to know that Mā [your mother, Saraju dīdī] is somewhat better than before. The influences of the nature of time and the nature of the material body [sickness, old age etc.] are unavoidable, but for someone who is engaged in bhajana without duplicity, they cannot create substantial impediment. Those who have accepted shelter at the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master (sad-guru) and have performed honest hari-bhajana, may appear, externally, to be suffering, in relation to their body or in relation to practical matters, but such suffering cannot cause any impediment in their bhajana. This is my utter conviction. In fact, often, impediments and obstacles become the cause of great opportunities to perform hari-bhajana. Your mother, our [god]sister, is one such guru-sevikā (servitor of the spiritual master), and is inclined to bhajana, so there is no question of her being inconvenienced. May Śrīla Gurudeva bestow upon her progressive [spiritual] strength.
It is my heart’s desire to go to Śrī Dhāma Navadvīpa for Śrī Vyāsa pūjā*, but this will be only possible by the mercy of Śrīla Gurupādapadma. If I do go to Śrī Dhāma Navadwīpa, I intend to go via Chuṅchurā. I am happy to know that you, Gārgī dīdī [your sister] and others are well. Without the mercy of Bhagavān, especially without the mercy of the devotees, the proclivity for non-duplicitous hari-bhajana cannot arise. You are very fortunate [in this regard]. Enthusiasm and eagerness for hearing hari-kathā is indeed the foremost path by which one can enter the realm of transcendence. Since, such eagerness has arisen within you, you will therefore be able to receive the mercy of Hari, guru and Vaiṣṇavas.
* Referring to the appearance day of Śrīla Bhakti Prajñāna Keśava Gosvāmī Mahārāja, on 18 February, 1976.
Bhagavān, who is full of compassion, has given you ample opportunities to hear hari-kathā and you, too, are endeavouring to benefit from this. This does not become a possibility for everyone. Gradually develop your inquisitiveness while hearing hari-kathā, and continue to perform hari-bhajana with increasing enthusiasm and conviction. It is also necessary to cultivate your study of devotional literature.
I have a determination to get a dome built on top of the temple. I am thinking to start work on it as soon as the plans are approved. But if I must go to Navadvīpa, the work will commence after I return from parikramā*. Whatever the situation may be, by the mercy of Śrīla Gurudeva, I will endeavour to complete this work as quickly as possible. This is why there is a delay in my going to Śrī Dhāma Navadvīpa. Let Mā [your mother] and Gārgī dīdī know that I'm doing well. Please receive my affectionate blessings and from time to time, keep me informed about your wellbeing in bhajana.
* Gaura-pūrṇimā, 16 March, 1976.
Thus, I conclude.
Your well-wisher,
Śrī Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa
Originally penned in Bengali.
Translated into English for the first time by the Rays of The Harmonist team