Can Only Chanting Give Us Entrance into Vraja?
Our Relationship with Krsna
Bhakti Does Not Make One Proud
Katyayani Vrata- Should Gaudiyas Observe it?
You are my guru, but I don’t follow your instructions!
The Essence of Everything
How to approach Krsna-lila
Speciality of Gaudiyas’ Mood
Which mood did Caitanya Mahaprabhu come to give?
One Minute Clip

Vamana Mahārājaji’s mother brought him [to the matha] when he was extremely young. Guruji would keep him with himself. He came in 1930. When guru Mahārāja formed the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti (1940), all of his correspondence, taking care of various activities, taking dictations, to accompany him on preaching, to cook for him, to oversee everyone. All these sevas only Māhārāja would perform.

When we went to Assam, where there was a debate. And when it was needed to present Mahaprabhu’s conceptions, that Mahaprabhu is svayam Bhagavan. Mahārājaji had collected 39 scriptural evidence. He did not need to refer to them. He just boldly delivered them one after the other.

Never ever we observed that Mahārājaji would engage in self glorification. However he had this unique attribute. He was very reserved and shy. He was tolerant, he was steady, he was grave, and he was firmly established in tattva. He would give any argument from all the scriptures, and he knew verses from all scriptures.

Hear the entire Katha here: